- Global Internship Program
- Global Internship for International Students 1. Internship Period: Jan. 2, 2023 (Monday) ~ February 17th (Friday) [7 weeks] 2. Number of interns: 25 3. Working hours: 9:00~16:00 (5 days a week, 1 hour lunch included) * hours may change 4. Details of work: Overseas marketing, translation(consultation), duties related to international, etc. Application method 1. Application period: November 4th (Friday) ~ Novem 16th (Wednesday) until 18:00 2. Site: https://forms.gle/vfGx4FVMU7QnP9ug6 Inquires: 2133-8702
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.07
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2022] 2022 KOREA DMZ VIRTUAL TOUR
- 2022 KOREA DMZ VIRTUAL TOUR 1) 프로그램명: 메타버스 D-MZ 투어 2) 행사일자: 2022.11.3.(목)~5(토) 3) 행사내용: DMZ 파주, 철원, 고성으로 구성된 기차 여행 컨셉의 메타버스 (ZEP) 4) 신청방법: Station DMZ 홈페이지(www.stationDMZ.com)
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.02
- Pschological Support For October 29 (Itaewon) Tragedy / 10.29梨泰院事件心理咨询服务
- Psychological Support Program for October 29 (Itaewon) Tragedy The Counseling Center would like to express our deepest condolences to the victims, their friends and families who lost their loved ones and also to everyone who were involved in the tragic event. The Counseling Center is offering meetings to provide crisis support to the members of the university (survivors, witnesses, rescuers, etc.) experiencing emotional distress related to the tragedy. We will be holding meetings for international students in Chinese and English. If you or someone you know need help, please come and see us at one of our meetings. [Chinese] 1st Meeting : Wednesday 9 November 16:00-18:00, International Campus, Wisdom Hall A, Counseling Center 2nd Meeting : Wednesday 16 November 16:00-18:00, Online Meeting on Zoom (Zoom link will be sent to you by email) [English] 1st Meeting : Thursday 10 November 13:00-15:00, Online Meeting on Zoom 2nd Meeting : Thursday 10 November 15:00-17:00, Online Meeting on Zoom (Zoom link will be sent to you by email) Please apply via the link below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEQ271AcK0T-w8UwiAiA3qwge2dr3tNhLYjKw1CdWN-TloqA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 10.29梨泰院事件心理咨询服务 首先,向遇难者、失去亲人或家人的遗属以及参与这一悲惨事件的每一个人表示最深切的哀悼和遗憾。 咨询中心为延世大学成员(幸存者、目击者、救援人员等)提供相关心理咨询服务,以最大化地减轻他们正在经历的与10.29梨泰院事件相关的情绪困扰。 我们将提供中英文心理咨询服务。如果您或您的朋友需要帮助,可通过最下端链接申请参加团体咨询会议。 [中文] 第一次会议:11月9日星期三16:00-18:00,国际校区, 智慧馆A,咨询中心 第二次会议:11月16日星期三16:00-18:00,Zoom线上会议(会议链接将通过电子邮件另行通知) [英文] 第一次会议:11月10日星期四13:00-15:00,Zoom线上会议(会议链接将通过电子邮件另行通知) 第二次会议:11月10日星期四15:00-17:00,Zoom线上会议(会议链接将通过电子邮件另行通知) 请通过以下链接申请相关咨询服务。 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEQ271AcK0T-w8UwiAiA3qwge2dr3tNhLYjKw1CdWN-TloqA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.02
- [Yonsei Korean Language Institute] Online Korean Course Basic 1
- Online Korean at Yonsei Basic 1 - 수강료: 300,000원 * 50명 선착순 수강료 30% 할인 이벤트 진행 중 - URL: https://www.learnus.org/local/ubonline/view.php?id=225649&group=3 延世线上韩语课 基础1 - 学费: 300,000韩币 * 前50位报名学员学费立减30% - 链接: https://www.learnus.org/local/ubonline/view.php?id=225649&group=3
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.01
- 2022 Winter Seasonal Classes (Undergraduate) / 2022 寒假课程 (本科)
- Guide on 2022 Winter Seasonal Classes (Undergraduate) The 2022 winter seasonal classes will be operated according to the principle of face-to-face lectures. Some classes will be blended with video lectures, so please check the class plan before enrolling for the course. You will be able to check class details (lecture time, place, etc.) through the course catalog on the academic portal on October 31 (Mon), and the class plan will be available from November 8 (Tue). For further information, please check the notice at the Yonsei website. 2022 寒假课程 (本科) 2022年寒假课程原则上为线下课程。 部分课程将采取线上线下合并得授课方式,具体内容请参照相关课程的课程计划书。 具体的课程构成可于10月31日(星期一)于信息门户的课程查询页面进行确认,课程计划书最迟将于11月8日(星期二)上传。 详情请跳转至延世大学官网公告栏。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.01
- [Fall 2022]Guide to the new COVID-19 Booster this winter for foreigners staying in the Republic of Korea / 关于加强接种新冠疫苗的通知
- Guide to the new COVID-19 Booster this winter for foreigners staying in the Republic of Korea Please receive this new COVID-19 booster which provides protection against severe illness and deaths over the winter. First Eligible Group: Among those aged 18 and older who completed their primary vaccination series, ① those with weakened immune systems, ② those aged 60 and older, ③ residents in nursing homes or care settings and vulnerable facilities. Dosing Interval: The eligible individuals should have this booster shot at least 4 months (120 days) after the last dose of vaccine or confirmation of COVID-19 infection (whichever is later). Vaccine Type: BA.1 based bivalent vaccine (mRNA vaccine) ※ Note: Those who should not receive and are delaying or refusing to receive mRNA vaccines may be offered Novavax or Skycovione vaccines, which are recombinant COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccine Appointment: Registered foreigners: Online, phone and same-day appointments available ※ Bookings began on September 27. This booster shot started being administered on October 11 (same-day appointments available). Unregistered foreigners: Make an appointment by calling or visiting a vaccination site with a temporary management number issued from a public health center Foreigners who completed their primary series outside of Korea: Make an appointment after registering their vaccination record at a public health center ※ Note ○ Adults aged 18 and older who completed their primary vaccination series can be offered leftover shots. ○ Online appointment booking website: https://ncvr.kdca.go.kr ○ Phone appointment: KDCA Call center at ☎1339 or the local government call center ○ Same-day appointment: Booking online through SNS, incl. KAKAOTALK and NAVER or by calling directly medical facilities 关于加强接种新冠疫苗的通知 为了预防健康弱势群体的重症·死亡,请积极参与冬季新冠病毒疫苗的加强接种! 优先接种对象: 已经完成基础接种18岁以上者① 免疫低下者 ② 60岁以上,③ 疗养医院·设施及感染翠弱设施住院·入所者 接种间隔: 在最后一次接种或确诊日中 从更晚的时期开始 4个月(120天)之后 疫苗种类: 基于BA.1 2价疫苗(mRNA 疫苗)※ 但是 如果mRNA疫苗接种禁忌·被延期者 或者不希望接种mRNA疫苗者, 基因重组疫苗(Novavax vaccine, SKYCovione vaccine) 也可接种 接种方法: 登录外国人:网上提前预约、电话预约 和当日接种※ 提前预约9月27日(周二)~开始接种(当日接种)10月11日(周二)~‚ 未登录外国人:保健所发放临时管理号码后电话预约或到接种机构预约 在海外完成基础接种的外国人:在保健所进行海外接种记录登记后预约 ※ 其他指南 ○ 仅限剩余疫苗允许18岁以上成年基础接种者接种 ○ 在线预约网站: https://ncvr.kdca.go.kr○ 电话预约: 疾病管理局 呼叫中心(☎1339) 或地方政府呼叫中心预约 ○ 当日接种: SNS(Kakao Talk, NAVER) 预约剩余疫苗、医疗机构有线联系
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.01
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2022] 2022 YON-KO GAMES / 2022延高战
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.24
- [JOINUS KOREA] Plogging With US
- ○ What: Picking up trash while walking and jogging Posting activity hotos on personal SNS ○ Where: Yeouido Hangang Park from Wonhyo Bridge's southern parking lot to Hangang Marina Yacht Dockyard ○ When: 2022. 10. 30 (Sun) From 2 PM ~ 5 PM ○ Applicatoin: ~ 2022. 10. 28 (Fri) (May close early) ○ Apply Here: https://bit.ly/jkplogging-app
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.21
- [Fall 2022] Yonsei University Ranks 78th in the World & the 1st Private University in Asia!
- Yonsei University Ranks 78th in the World & the 1st Private University in Asia!! Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, ranked 78th in the world in the THE World University Rankings 2023 released by the global university evaluation agency THE (The Times Higher Education) on October 12, 2022. This is a 73-notch jump from last year. Check the Yonsei News for more information. Go YONSEI!
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.19
Programs & Events
- MMCA Deoksugung Guided Tour with Curator for Foreign Visitors
- [Welcome to MMCA] MMCA Deoksugung Guided Tour with Curator for Foreign Visitors □ PROGRAM 1. Deoksugung Palace Guided Tour (30min) 2. Curator-Led Exhibition Tour (30min) - Moon Shin Retrospective : Towards the Universe 3. Educational Workshop <Title "Untitled"> ※ Program will be held in English □ PARTICIPANTS : International visitors, foreign residents in Korea, etc. □ DATE & TIME 1. 2022 OCT 26 (Wed) 14:00-15:30 2. 2022 NOV 1 (Tue) 14:00-15:30 ※ 20 people per session □ VENUE : National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Deoksugung (99 Sejong-daero, Gung-gu, Seoul, 04519) ※ Meet at Daehanmun gate of Deoksugung - Google map / Naver map / Kakao map □ PRICE : Free with entrance tickets ※ Deoksugung palace 1,000 KRW / MMCA Deoksugung 2,000 KRW (need to buy/book tickets before the program starts) □ CONTACT : Jae Young Kim (MMCA Education Department / +82-2-3701-9617, jjkim42@korea.kr) CLICK HERE TO APPLY! - Link : https://forms.gle/c8rUzYfM7UEdKU4w9
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.18