- [Fall 2023] Course Withdrawal / [2023秋季] 撤回选课期间
- Course Withdrawal for 2023 Fall Semester 1. Directions Yonsei Portal Service -> Academic Information System -> Academic Information -> Courses -> Student -> Application for withdrawal course 2. Period: October 27, 2023 (Fri) 9:00 ~ October 31, 2023 (Tue) 23:59 - Cancellation of withdrawal is possible through the Yonsei Portal during the course withdrawal period - Withdrawal cannot be cancelled after the course withdrawal period For more information, please check the Yonsei University Notice 2023年第2学期撤回选课期间 申请时间:2023.10.27.(周五)9:00 ~ 2023.10.31.(周二)23:59 截止 - 撤回选课期间可以通过延世大学门户网站取消撤回选课。 - 撤回选课期间结束后,无法取消退选。 详细内容请参考延世大学网站公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.10.16
- Course Withdrawal for Emergency / 紧急选课撤回制度(2020春季学期)
- Course Withdrawal for Emergency The Course Withdrawal for Emergency is implemented only for the 2020 Spring Semester Courses to remedy the unfair evaluation result endowed unrelated to students' learning abilities or efforts such as unstable network environment and poor IT devices in online/non-face-to-face classes under the COVID-19 pandemic. 1. Applicable Students: Undergraduates of Sinchon Campus (including the International Campus) who have completed the 2020 Spring Semester. * Students who took courses during 2020 spring semester and have not yet applied for Course Withdrawal for Emergency (including students who are currently on a leave of absence and on a military leave) can apply for Course Withdrawal for Emergency during the withdrawal period in Fall 2023. The Course Withdrawal for Emergency will be available only until 2023 Fall Semester and will not be available from 2024 Spring Semester. 2. Period: - October 27, 2023 (Fri) 9:00 ~ October 31, 2023 (Tue) 23:59 For more information, please check the Yonsei University Notice. 紧急选课撤回制度 紧急选课撤回制度仅适用于2020年春季学期课程,旨在解决与学生的学习能力或努力无关的不公平评估结果,如在线/非面对面课程中的不稳定网络环境和劣质IT设备,这是在COVID-19疫情期间发生的。 1. 适用学生:已完成2020年春季学期的新村校区(包括国际校区)本科生。 * 在2020年春季学期期间修读课程但尚未申请紧急选课撤回制度的学生(包括目前休学和军事休假的学生),可以在2023年秋季期间申请紧急选课撤回制度。紧急选课撤回制度仅适用于2023年秋季学期,不适用于2024年春季学期。 2. 期限: - 2023年10月27日(周五)9:00 ~ 2023年10月31日(周二)23:59 详细内容请参考延世大学公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.10.16
- [Spring 2024] Change of Affiliations on Campus / 2024年第一学期校内转专业申请指南
- Spring 2024 Change of Affiliations on Campus Period: October 27, 2023 (Friday) ~ November 2, 2023 (Thursday) until 5pm Method: Yonsei Portal Service Announcement of 1st Result: November 8, 2023 (Wednesday) Interview Date: November 15, 2023 (Wednesday) Final Result: November 29, 2023 (Wednesday) Please visit the Yonsei University Notice for further information. (notice currently available in Korean only) 2024年第一学期校内转专业申请指南 招生日程 1)申请期限:2023年10月27日(星期五)~ 11月2日(星期四)下午5点截止 2) 最终录取名单公布:2023年11月29日(星期三) 申请资格 1) 仅初次入学的学生 2) 已经获得第一专业批准的学生(休学生也可以申请),已完成3个学期以上的二年级学生或6个学期以内的三年级学生 (仅限在校学生和休学生可以申请) 3) 现所属学科的专业课程中至少已修读9学分以上的学生可以申请 ※ 已完成三年级(6个学期)的学生和休学生不可申请 ※ 艺术,体育类入学生以及系统半导体工程、显示综合工程专业的学生不可申请 ※ 可以多次申请,但已经获得批准的学生不能再次申请 招生学科 1) 可以在申请情况表中确认 (附加文件) 2) 一般学科(专业)学生不能转入艺术、体育,医学、牙科、护理、药学学院、工程学院的系统半导体工程、显示综合工程以及Underwood国际学院的任何专业 ※招生方式、申请方法以及注意事项等详细信息请参考延世大学网站公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.10.13
- [Fall 2023] 4-3rd / 2-2nd Tuition Installment Plan Guideline / [2023秋季] 4-3学期/2-2学期学费分期付款计划指南
- 4-3rd / 2-2nd Tuition Installment Plan Guideline for Fall 2023 1. Qualification -Students who paid 1st and 2nd payment in 4 tuition installment plan -Students who paid 1st payment in 2 tuition installment plan 2. Registration Period -October 13, 2023 (Fri) 9:30 ~ October 16, 2023 (Mon) 17:00 (To pay at the bank counter, please check the bank hour) Please check the Yonsei University Website Notice for detailed information [2023秋季] 4-3学期/2-2学期学费分期付款计划指南 1.资格 -申请4学期分期付款者中已缴纳第一,第二次学费者对象 -申请2学期分期付款者中已缴纳第一次学费者对象 2. 期限 - 2023年10月13日(星期五)9:30 ~ 2023年10月16日(星期一)17:00 (如需在银行柜台支付,请确认银行的营业时间) 请查看延世大学网站的通知以获取详细信息。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.10.12
- Mandatory Online Course for International Students / 留学生必修课程(网课)
- Mandatory Online Course for International Students All foreign students are required to take a course [UNDERSTANDING OF KOREAN LAW AND REGULATIONS] at least once every semester. * only need to take one in Korean, English, or Chinese Please complete [FALL 2023 UNDERSTANDING OF KOREAN LAW AND REGULATIONS] by 5pm, December 28th (Thur), 2023 at LearnUs Yonsei For those who have not completed the course by the deadline, there could be restriction on checking grades for Fall 2023 semester and course registration for Spring 2024 semester. If you don't see this course on LearnUs Yonsei, please contact us at ivisa@yonsei.ac.kr. 모든 외국인 학생들은 [한국법령 이해 교육]을 매 학기 1회 이상 반드시 수강해야 합니다 (한국어, 영어, 중국어 중 선택 수강). 2023년 12월 28일 (목) 오후 5시까지 LearnUs Yonsei에서 [2023-2학기 한국법령 이해 교육]을 수강 완료하시기 바랍니다. 수강 완료하지 않은 학생들의 경우 2023-2학기 성적 확인 및 2024-1학기 수강신청이 제한될 수 있습니다. LearnUs Yonsei에서 교육이 조회되지 않을 경우 이메일 (ivisa@yonsei.ac.kr)로 회신 부탁드립니다. 所有外国留学生必须每个学期至少听一次[韩国法律法规理解课程](可以选择使用韩语、英语或中文授课)。 请在于2023年12月28日(星期四)下午5点之前在LearnUs Yonsei平台完成[2023-2学期韩国法律法规理解课程]的学习。 未完成课程的学生可能会受到2023-2学期成绩核查和2024-1学期选课的限制。 如果在LearnUs Yonsei平台上找不到相关教育信息,请通过电子邮件(ivisa@yonsei.ac.kr)进行回复。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.10.11
- Yonsei University Ranks Highest Ever Ranking among Asian Private Universities in the THE World University Rankings 2024
- Yonsei University Ranks Highest Ever Ranking among Asian Private Universities in the THE World University Rankings 2024 With Increased Scores in Research Citations and Industry Collaboration, Attaining Top 76th in the World. Our university achieved Top 76th in the world in the 2024 THE World University Rankings, as announced by THE (The Times Higher Education), a prominent global university assessment organization, on September 27th. This marks our highest ever ranking among Asian private universities. Check the article to read more. 延世大学在2024年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中首次获得亚洲私立大学最高排名 在研究引用和产业合作方面得分提高,跻身全球排名前76名。 我们大学在2024年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中获得了全球第76名的成绩,这一消息由全球知名的大学评估机构泰晤士高等教育(THE)于9月27日宣布。 这标志着我们成为亚洲私立大学中最高排名的一次。 欲了解更多信息,请查看文章。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.10.04
- [Fall 2023] ISF 2nd International Student Job & Startup Fair / 【2023秋季】第二届 ISF 国际学生就业与创业招聘会
- ISF Fall 2023 2nd International Student Job & Startup Fair Date: Oct. 17 (Tue), 2023 10:00~17:00 Location: Sejong University Registration: www.jobcenter.kr Inquiries: jobcenter KakaoTalk Channel pf.kakao.com/_VeEvxj
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.10.04
- 제29회 외국인 한글백일장 / 第29届外国人韩文百日展
- 제29회 외국인 한글백일장 1. 일시 및 장소 가. 일 시 : 2023. 10. 5(목) 09:30 ~ 13:00 나. 장 소 : 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 다. 시상식 : 2023. 10. 25(수) 14:00, 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 대강당 2. 개최 분야 가. 시부 나. 수필부 3. 참가 자격 가. 한국에 살고 있는 외국인으로서 체류 기간이 8년 이내인 자(단, 최초 거주일과는 무관하며 이번 체류 기간 개시 일에 따름. 결혼 등으로 한국 국적을 취득한 외국인도 참가 가능.) 한국에 살고 있는 해외교포로서 체류 기간이 5년 이내인 자 나. 만 17세 이상인 자 다. 최근 3년 이내에 한국어 문예 작품으로 수상한 경력이 없는 자 4. 참가 신청 가. 신청 기간 : 2023년 9월 11일(금) ~ 9월 24일(일) 나. 접 수 처 : 온라인 접수만 가능. http://www.yskli.com 5. 기타 1) 볼펜, 원고지는 대회 당일 제공합니다. 2) 빵과 음료수를 제공합니다. 3) 기타 자세한 사항은 본 백일장 준비위원회에 문의하시기 바랍니다. 전화번호 : (02) 2123-3435/8552, FAX : (02) 2123-8662
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.09.22
- [Fall 2023] 4-2 Tuition Installment Payment Guide / [2023年秋季] 4-2 学费分期付款指南
- [Fall 2023] 4-2 Tuition Installment Payment Guide Qualification - Students who paid 1st payment in 4 tuition installment plan Registration Period - 2023. 9. 22 (Fri) 9:30 ~ 9. 25 (Mon) 17:00 (To pay at the bank counter, please check the bank hour) For further detail, please check the Yonsei University Website Notice [2023年秋季] 4-2 学费分期付款指南 对象:申请4学期分期付款者中已缴纳第一次学费者对象 登录期间: 2023. 9. 22.(周五) 09:30 ~ 9. 25.(周一) 17:00 (如需到银行柜台付款,请查看银行营业时间) 详情请查看延世大学网站公告
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.09.21
- 3rd K-Campus Networking / 第三届 K-Campus交流会
- 3rd K-Campus Networking It’s our pleasure to invite you to the third K-campus networking event to be held on Friday, Oct. 6 at 7:00 p.m. We have invited amazing speakers for the event, specialists who are familiar with the hiring of foreign talent for major tech companies in Korea: SK telecom and Pearl Abyss. There will be a mentoring session and an FAQ session included. The K-campus team hopes that this event will be an exciting opportunity for our followers and supporters to gather in person, share knowledge and explore more ways we can help each other in the future. For event details and the location of the event venue, please refer to the attached invitation. And if you are interested, please submit your application through the attached link to the Google sign-up form! Google sign-up form: https://forms.gle/7L4fZvy6uKpx9Gcp8 Registration: 9.20. 6:00 p.m. ~ 9. 27. 2:00 p.m. You are welcome to recommend one friend as your company to the event, who will be granted an automatic acceptance to the event without the K-campus membership conditions. If you or any of your friends are interested in attending the event, please mention that you have been invited as a member of the past student reporters program or as their friend on the answer to the last question of the attached Google Form. Please note that places will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. We look forward to seeing you at the event. Best regards, The K-campus team
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.09.21